C-Section Strong®️ Birth Stories: Charlotte Needham

1. Please share the circumstances that led to your c-section birth(s):

I was induced due to my membranes rupturing with no labor to follow. My labor progressed rather fast with very painful contractions and little to no dilation. My baby’s heart rate was struggling along with my tolerance to the quick, painful contractions. In the end, it was decided an emergency c-section was required to bring my baby safely here.

2. What surprised you the most about having a c-section?:

I was so adamant that I wouldn’t have one and did no birth preparation for a c-section. I was scared by it and thought I would feel like a failure. I felt a small part of the c-section, which was shocking as I thought I would be numb, but I would say it was uncomfortably sore and tuggy. Nothing could have prepared me for the recovery. Absolutely the hardest thing I have ever done!

3. What kind of support do you feel you received (from friends, family, healthcare team) after your c-section(s)?:

My partner was outstanding at making sure I got as much rest and that I did as little as possible to ensure I healed properly. He knew how badly I wanted a vaginal birth and always told me how proud of me he was. My midwife always checked in with me and said how brave I was. I loved my anaesthesiologist in the hospital too; she advocated for me when I was in pain or upset during the c-section.

4. What’s your #1 piece of advice/encouragement for a new c-section mom?:

That you are an absolute warrior. It is so hard to come to terms with having a c-section when you didn’t prepare yourself for it and nothing can prepare you for the recovery ahead, but just take each day as it comes and rest, rest, rest!

5. How do you believe having a c-section birth(s) made you stronger?:

I used to skip listening to the podcasts that involved c-sections because I honestly thought it was the easy way out and I wasn’t going to let that happen. Having a c-section and going through the recovery process now, I can’t believe I ever felt that way. Sure society still sometimes has the opinion that c-sections are the easy way out, but they sure as heck aren’t. I can’t believe the trauma my body has gone through all while taking care of a newborn. When you have any other major surgery, you’re told recovery will be 6 months, you have numerous follow-ups ups, etc. but with a c-section, you’re sent home with a new baby and that is all! C-sections are such a strong, powerful, and brave way to birth! If I am blessed enough to fall pregnant again, I will hope for a VBAC because this recovery process has been so long and hard for me, and a vaginal birth recovery is shorter.

Name: Charlotte Needham

Country of Residence: New Zealand

Profession: Junior chef

Instagram Username: @Charzy_needham