C-Section Birth Stories: Ariel Bowen

1. Briefly, please share the circumstances that led to your c-section birth(s):

My first c-section was due to a few complications. When they broke my water, they noticed a lot of meconium, they had NICU standing by in case he inhaled it, and they advised me to have an epidural in case I had to go into a c-section. At this point, I was on Pitocin and wasn’t dilating. So I told them to give me the epidural, increase the Pitocin, and get the show on the road. When they put in my catheter, they noticed my son’s heart rate dropped and didn’t pick back up. They rushed me into the OR for the c-section, minutes later my son was born with the cord wrapped around his neck twice and he wasn’t breathing due to meconium aspiration. This led to a 10 day NICU stay. They said my pelvis is shaped differently, which is why I never dilated and he wasn’t dropping. However, they said that a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) was possible for me in the future.

The second c-section was aiming to be a VBAC, but the day I went in to get my son flipped they wouldn’t induce me because Pitocin can soften the scar on my uterus. I knew because how my pelvis was shaped it would result in a c-section anyways. They did a “gentle” c-section and it was the birth I always wanted. My third c-section was mandatory, we did another “gentle” c-section, and it was perfect.

2. What surprised you the most about having a c-section?:

After my first c section, I thought I was mourning that I didn’t have a vaginal delivery. Then I learned about “gentle” c-sections and realized I mourned because I didn’t get to hold my son right after he was born. With my second and third, I made sure I got to watch them take their first breath of life and hold them after. So what surprised me about a c-section is I can have the most rewarding life experience while keeping my children healthy and safe, and having a delivery that was safe for me.

3. What kind of support do you feel you received (from friends, family, healthcare team) after your c-section(s)?:

I had a few family members say things that made me feel like I failed and needed to try again, while on the other hand had such love and support from other family members, friends, and my doctors. Family and friends brought meals, helped take care of my other kids, and made sure I was well-rested.

4. What’s your #1 piece of advice/encouragement for a new c-section mom?:

When you have your c-section delivery and possibly feel bad for not having a vaginal delivery, what is really making you feel that way? For me, I noticed it wasn’t because I wanted to feel what it was like to have a vaginal delivery, but instead it was because I just wanted to hold my babies and see them born. I learned I can have that with a c-section it made me so proud of my delivery. Also stand tall, figuratively and literally. Stand tall and proud for how you brought a healthy, happy human into the world and stand tall literally because you are strong and the doctors would never let you fall apart after the delivery.

5. How do you believe having a c-section birth(s) made you stronger?:

It made me stop thinking so much about what others experienced, and made me start making my own experiences and be proud of having them.

Name: Ariel Bowen

Your Profession: Stay-At-Home-Mom

How to Connect With You on Social Media: @Arielabowen on Instagram