C-Section Birth Stories: Chelsea Berrong
1. Briefly, please share the circumstances that led to your c-section birth(s):
I was induced on my due date - 2/14/2019. From the start of the induction process, my son’s heart rate would drop a little with each contraction. The next day my water broke on its own, then we started Pitocin, and I just wouldn’t dilate. Many hours later I was having the contractions I needed to push but I was only dilated to 3 centimeters and stayed there. My son’s heart rate kept dropping so my OB decided a c-section would be best! My son was born on 2/16/2019 at 5:59 am weighing 9 pounds 4 ounces!
2. What surprised you the most about having a c-section?:
I guess I would say recovery and how you can’t do much! Also, how hard it was to walk afterward. I never realized how difficult all aspects of recovering could be!
3. What kind of support do you feel you received (from friends, family, healthcare team) after your c-section(s)?:
I had an amazing support system! My husband and family were there to help with whatever I needed physically and emotionally. My best friend would come over and clean my house for me. I’m grateful for the hospital staff and my OB; they were all beyond anything I could have ever expected! I’m very thankful and lucky to have had such a great experience/support group!
4. What’s your #1 piece of advice/encouragement for a new c-section mom?:
Accept help from those who want to help you and take it easy! I didn’t always take it easy and I faced the consequences afterward. You have been through major surgery and you are stronger than you realize. Let your body heal and enjoy your sweet new baby. You got this mama!
5. How do you believe having a c-section birth(s) made you stronger?:
I believe having a c-section made me stronger because I had to be cut open to bring my chunky boy into this world! I had in my head how I thought our birth would go and things changed and I was able to put my feelings aside to do what was needed for my son to arrive safe and healthy! I look at my scar and feel and sense of pride and strength!
Name: Chelsea Berrong
Your Profession: Stay-at-home mama
How to Connect With You on Social Media: @chels.berrong on Instagram