C-Section Birth Stories: Diana Hinek

1. Briefly, please share the circumstances that led to your c-section birth(s):

I’ve had three cesarean births. The first time, was with my first baby. We labored hard and then 'got stuck' at 7 centimeters. The epidural didn't help and I was told I needed a cesarean birth. The second time was after my HBAC (home birth after cesarean) so I really thought I would have another baby at home. Labor was really intense and my midwife thought I was having a rupture so we rushed to the hospital, where after getting to 9 centimeters, the very unsupporting OB told me I needed a cesarean. The third time was with my fourth baby, who is now 9 months old. We tried another HBAC but again my baby was really high and pounding against my pubic bone. I was transferred to the hospital, the epidural did not relax my body at all, and I ended up with another cesarean birth.

2. What surprised you the most about having a c-section?:

The common denominator among my three experiences was the fact that they were unexpected. I was told that if I did ‘xyz’ during my pregnancies, such as yoga, walk, eat well, etc., a certain outcome would unfold. It felt like a punishment for having done something wrong during pregnancy and therefore not deserving the birth I wanted so badly. I also felt not seen, because at the end of the day both baby and I were healthy and the rest did not matter, according to family and friends. However, it was devastating to me.

3. What kind of support do you feel you received (from friends, family, healthcare team) after your c-section(s)?:

My family was pretty clueless and focused primarily on the joy of my baby being born. Friends kinda got it but life is busy for everyone and the support from them was limited. I did a search for some professional help but it became financially unfeasible for my family to sustain. Physical therapy helped a lot after my second cesarean birth. My midwife gave me a lot of space and time to process after the third cesarean, so in that sense, I felt held and seen. There was no support offered from the medical team after the surgeries, but I was advised to look for counseling help should I fall into postpartum depression.

4. What’s your #1 piece of advice/encouragement for a new c-section mom?:

Birth is unpredictable and it is not 100% in our control. Differently than what some try to convince moms it will be like, with magical thinking, we just can not control what will happen during birth. What we can do, however, is prepare moms to be open to a change of plans and promise them that they will be supported and celebrated. For me, hiring a birth photographer was vital. It helped me heal and accept the events of my birth as it unfolded, but also see how much love surrounded me, despite my disappointment and heartbreak during the postpartum days. I wish that for every mom who goes through this. Keep talking about your experience, write it down, share it. Surround yourself with those who love you and hold your baby close to you as much as possible.

5. How do you believe having a c-section birth(s) made you stronger?:

I am not sure it made me stronger, but it certainly made me a better birth worker and a more compassionate human being. I learned that life with children is so much about letting go, pretty much from day one. Jumping into the abyss and being prepared to adapt, change plans, and grow constantly while being fed by the crazy love you'll feel for your babies. I am also able to connect to my clients on a deeper level and offer the knowledge I gained from all my different personal birth experiences.

Note: Beautiful photo by J & B Photography

Name: Diana Hinek

Your Profession: Birth Photographer and Doula at ArtShaped Photography and Birth Services

How to Connect With You on Social Media: @artshapedphotography on Instagram