C-Section Birth Stories: Fran James

1. Please share the circumstances that led to your c-section birth(s):

I ended up having an emergency c-section under general anesthetic with my first pregnancy. For my second pregnancy, I was given the option to try for an unmedicated, vaginal birth if I wanted to but after lots of thought, I decided a planned c-section was the best route. I feared the same thing would happen again, (long labor followed by an emergency c-section). I wanted to be in control, prepare, and plan as much as I could this time around.

2. What surprised you the most about having a c-section?:

What surprised me the most was the procedure itself and the team carrying it out. Although this was my second c-section, for my first I was put to sleep so I have no memory of this. I was extremely nervous the day I arrived for my c-section. I have never felt a feeling like it, the thought of going into theatre (operating room), awake, and laying there petrified me, and the fact I had to go in and wait alone due to the pandemic made it so much worse. The whole team was fantastic and knew how worried I was. They all took their time to talk to me, reassure me, and calm my nerves, they all took the time to introduce themselves to me. During the operation, they kept me calm and chatted to me, and held my hand throughout.

The operation itself also surprised me, there was absolutely no pain thanks to my spinal block. However, I was very aware of the operation itself happening, as I could feel pressure and movement. The procedure took just over an hour since I needed to be re-stitched, but within ten minutes of them starting there was a baby in my arms, the whole thing flew by and before I knew it I was in recovery and enjoying orange squash and toast!

3. What kind of support do you feel you received (from friends, family, healthcare team) after your c-section(s)?:

I received plenty of support from my family and friends. My husband took care of me, the house, and our eldest child whilst I recovered. My mum was also extremely supportive, before, during, and after my c-section. She dropped me off the morning of my operation, dropped things in during my stay, visited through the window as was not allowed in due to Covid, and helped with taking me to postnatal appointments because I couldn’t drive. Family and friends stopped by to offer help and brought food, homemade cakes, and gifts for us all which was so lovely.
I didn’t feel I got enough support from doctors following the birth when I needed this. However, all of the midwives and health visitors have given amazing support.

4. What’s your #1 piece of advice/encouragement for a new c-section mom?:

Stay calm, you will be fine! Keep on top of medication, and take the first few days easy. If you feel you need to stay in the hospital longer than they suggest, then do so (if possible). I was told I could leave within 24 hours but I wasn’t ready and chose to stay in for an additional night.

5. How do you believe having a c-section birth(s) made you stronger?:

Having a c-section has made me realize I am stronger and braver than I thought. I was petrified as the days got closer to my surgery date, the fear was almost too much! It was the scariest thing I have ever done; I am so proud of myself and feel like I could now get through anything having done this.

Name: Fran James

Your Profession: Recruitment Consultant

How to Connect With You on Social Media: @Franjames92 on Instagram
