C-Section Birth Stories: Hannah Lundquist
1. Please share the circumstances that led to your c-section birth(s):
My c-section is a miracle story! Over six years ago, I had a scan on my neck after an injury. The scan showed that my neck was not broken, but they ended up discovering a genetic malformation on the back of my skull near my spinal cord. However, because I was so relieved not to have a broken neck (and the malformation was asymptomatic) I didn’t think anything of the diagnosis and never included it on my medical history after that. WELL, the night before I ended up going into labor, I happened to remember “oh, what was that neck thing I had?” wondering if it could potentially interfere with an epidural. I called my mom who found my old scan, and I jotted down the name of it on the back of my birth plan - still thinking nothing of it. Eighteen hours of labor later, sitting on the bed with my back exposed ready to get the epidural - I share my condition with the anesthesiologist and her eyes get huge! After frantic research and a discussion with my OB, I get the news that in fact, this malformation can make vaginal delivery extremely dangerous for mom and baby, due to increased pressure on the brain that can cause seizing. It was then that the decision was quickly made for me to have an emergency c-section. However, I would need to be under general anesthesia and my husband would not be able to come with me. My heart sank, and I sobbed. I wouldn’t get to have the moment of watching her be born like I had pictured. However, the moment was still covered in peace - I would go to sleep, and when I woke up my baby would be here.
Two hours later, I woke up in the recovery room and heard, “Your baby girl is here, she’s doing great!”. It was the most surreal moment of my life - instead of waking up FROM a dream, it was like waking up TO a dream. I was then wheeled back into our hospital room where I laid eyes on my baby girl who was swaddled and sleeping peacefully in my husband’s arms.
2. What surprised you the most about having a c-section?:
Honestly, I was surprised how quickly I was able to recover from such major surgery! The first twenty-four hours were very difficult. I remember even just sitting up and rotating my body so my feet could dangle was a tremendous feat. But within a week, I was already going on walks with our stroller and off pain medicine. I know everyone’s recovery is different - and it’s definitely important to take it SLOW - but considering how huge the surgery is, the recovery was much quicker than I expected.
3. What kind of support do you feel you received (from friends, family, healthcare team) after your c-section(s)?:
During my c-section, one of the nurses brought my phone into the operating room to get pictures of my baby immediately after birth! This was SUCH a precious gift for me and helped fill a bit of the gap I felt by not being awake for those first moments. After my c-section, when I returned home, my mom stayed with us for a week. It was the best decision! My only job was to rest and to feed and enjoy my daughter. She and my husband took care of everything else (diaper changes, naps, housework, etc.) and let me focus on what was most essential. Along with that, friends from our church generously brought meals - because let me tell you when you have a baby cooking is the first thing to go!
4. What’s your #1 piece of advice/encouragement for a new c-section mom?:
My #1 piece of advice is that it is okay to have mixed emotions about your delivery. “At least you and your baby are here safe!” does not tell the whole story. YES, there is tremendous gratefulness that medicine has provided a way for babies to be delivered safely when vaginal delivery is not the best option - but there is still room for feelings of grief that it wasn’t what you pictured, disappointment, or even anger. It is a huge life experience, so give yourself space to feel and process everything! For me personally, talking to my mom, my husband, close friends, and my counselor helped me process the experience and come to peace about it all.
5. How do you believe having a c-section birth(s) made you stronger?:
Looking back, had I read my birth story before actually going through it I would have had so much anxiety! Having lived it though, I am SO proud and found a strength I never knew I had, along with new confidence in my resilience to go through hard and unexpected things when they come (both physically and emotionally!). While I didn’t feel this way at first, I now see my scar as a badge of honor and am grateful to share about it in a community of mothers who have the same experience.
Name: Hannah Lundquist
Your Profession: Kids Ministry Director at Soma City Church
How to Connect With You on Social Media: @hannah.e.lundquist on Instagram