C-Section Birth Stories: Stacy Joanisse

1. Briefly, please share the circumstances that led to your c-section birth(s):

I was in labor for 36 hours and unable to dilate past 4 centimeters. My midwife broke my water after over 24 hours of labor, and when my contractions intensified, I received an epidural which slowed the contractions down. Then they tried to induce me, but the medication caused my son's heart rate to rise and fluctuate, and my heart rate to drop. My midwife stopped the medication and called in the obstetrician on call. He reviewed the information of my labor and advised that it was best and safest for me to have a c-section because after 36 hours I wasn’t dilating past 4 centimeters. This was with my midwives' assistance and the induction medication did not seem to work with my system.

2. What surprised you the most about having a c-section?:

What surprised me most was how big my incision was, although I did have a large baby (9 pounds 2 ounces, 21 centimeters long). Also, how much I didn’t feel like myself for the first couple hours after my son was born. The freezing and pain medication made me feel very weird like I wasn’t in my own body. It was a strange and uncomfortable feeling.

3. What kind of support do you feel you received (from friends, family, healthcare team) after your c-section(s)?:

My family was amazing and I had visitors and help almost every day. My midwives were great and always on call for any questions I had, and they provided 2 weeks of home visits. My family doctor was also great as she called to check in on me after receiving an ultrasound. I ended up getting an infection in my incision and was on antibiotics for 7 days and received home care from nurses in my area.

4. What’s your #1 piece of advice/encouragement for a new c-section mom?:

It doesn’t matter what your body may look like after a c-section. Once you look at that beautiful baby in your arms nothing else matters and it doesn’t matter how they came into this world. All that matters is that you are both safe and healthy. Everything will work out in the end and it’s all worth it.

5. How do you believe having a c-section birth(s) made you stronger?:

It made me less self-conscious about how my body looked. What became more important to me was making sure my baby and I were healthy and that I was healing properly so I was able to care for my son and be the best mom I could be. It wasn’t easy, but he makes everything worth it.

Name: Stacy Joanisse

Your Profession: Early Childhood Educator

How to Connect With You on Social Media: @xostacyjo on Instagram