C-Section Birth Stories: Sunaina Kumar

1. Please share the circumstances that led to your c-section birth(s.:

We planned to induce at 39 weeks but when I went in for my last checkup, I let the team know I wasn’t feeling the baby move as much as before. They recommended we go ahead and induce that evening, a few days earlier than planned. After 2 1/2 days of induced labor which included everything from medication, manually trying to open my cervix and manually breaking my water, and not progressing further than 2 centimeters, I ended up spiking a fever which meant I was at risk of infection. Luckily, my good friend was planning on delivering my baby and had prepared me that this could happen.

2. What surprised you the most about having a c-section?:

How hard it was on my body. I did not know how difficult the recovery was truly going to be. I ended up being readmitted within 24 hours of discharge with an abdominal abscess and hospitalized with round the clock IV antibiotic treatment for 4 days…all with a newborn and trying to breastfeed. Two weeks later, I spiked a fever and went back to the emergency room with another infection. Needless to say, my body was not happy and I needed to slow down.

3. What kind of support do you feel you received (from friends, family, healthcare team) after your c-section(s)?:

Luckily, my doctor was also one of my good friends and she provided lots of support to me by offering me real talk on taking it slow and not to push my recovery.

4. What’s your #1 piece of advice/encouragement for a new c-section mom?:

Give yourself grace. I was so caught up in taking care of baby and not realizing just how much I needed to take care of myself. Those first 6-8 weeks are crucial to a healthy recovery and recovery lasts well beyond that. Focus on pelvic floor recovery and rebuilding your core with moves focused on postpartum.

5. How do you believe having a c-section birth(s) made you stronger?:

I had no idea I was capable of going through what I did. I feel like I can do anything. When I look at my son I am reminded of just how strong I am.

Name: Sunaina Kumar

Your Profession: Deputy Director for VA Rocky Mountain Network of Hospitals

How to Connect With You on Social Media: @naina6980 on Instagram