C-Section Birth Stories: Caroline Hamblin

1. Please share the circumstances that led to your c-section birth(s):

My oldest’s birth was very traumatic. I had just turned 19 years old and was treated very poorly by the hospital staff. After a difficult first pregnancy with polyhydramnios and preterm labor scares, I endured over 70 hours of attempted induction with no progress whatsoever. I pushed for over 2 hours. My daughter was born with the cord wrapped around her neck 3 times and rushed to the NICU (thankfully she only stayed for about an hour!). My body did not tolerate labor and delivery well and it was very mentally and physically traumatizing. I decided very early on with my new baby that I would have a scheduled c-section.

2. What surprised you the most about having a c-section?:

What surprised me most was how healing the experience was. People have asked if I feel like I somehow “missed out” on anything by not having a vaginal delivery. I feel like I missed out on a beautiful experience my first time around and the c-section allowed me to finally process those feelings. My c-section was beautiful, calm, and positive. Not once did I feel overwhelmed, scared, or in pain. I’m on the autism spectrum and was expecting a sensory overload, but that was not the case at all. We got skin-to-skin in the operating room and she latched almost immediately. I remember thinking “Finally. I got the birth I wanted.”

3. What kind of support do you feel you received (from friends, family, healthcare team) after your c-section(s)?:

After my c-section, I had all the support that I lacked the first time around. The hospital staff was incredible, compassionate, and listened to me. My husband never once complained and was ready to help whenever I needed him. He went out of his way to thank the surgical team for taking such great care of me and giving us a beautiful experience. He encouraged me to rest and stepped in if he thought I was doing too much. Recovery was a breeze apart from a nasty allergic reaction to the antiseptic solution!

4. What’s your #1 piece of advice/encouragement for a new c-section mom?:

I want new c-section moms to know that their bodies are strong and capable. It takes an incredibly strong person to care for a newborn while recovering from birth themselves, let alone major surgery! A c-section IS birth. You delivered a baby. No matter how our babies come out, we all end up in mesh undies. Side note: wear a belly band. It’s a lifesaver!

5. How do you believe having a c-section birth(s) made you stronger?:

Having a c-section made me feel strong and in control of my own body. I felt like my bodily autonomy was taken from me during my previous delivery and having a positive birth experience restored it. I feel more empowered as a woman and a mother to speak up for myself and make decisions that are in my best interest. Having a c-section was one of the best decisions I ever made!

Name: Caroline Hamblin

Your Profession: Student

How to Connect With You on Social Media: @inaudiblemelodies on Instagram