C-Section Birth Stories: Katie Rommelfanger
1. Please share the circumstances that led to your c-section birth(s):
Our daughter, Rae, was diagnosed in utero with gastroschisis at ten weeks gestation. This is a birth defect that occurs when the abdominal wall does not fully close, so her intestines grew outside of her precious little body. The preferred route of delivery remained vaginal despite how counterintuitive that may sound. I have always been a true perfectionist, so incredibly hard on myself, and this situation was no different. I felt such an incredible amount of pressure, that I just had to give the vaginal delivery a shot considering that it was the “preferred” medical route, despite feeling fearful of worsening her condition. After months of deliberation and finally letting go of a lot of unnecessary stresses, I decided that I was far more comfortable with having a c-section delivery.
2. What surprised you the most about having a c-section?:
I think the first thing that comes to mind is that I felt so out of the loop while having the c-section. Call me a control freak but I guess I assumed I would be getting the play by play details throughout the whole surgery and that is exactly the opposite of what had actually occurred. I was not prepared to not hear my daughter cry. I knew that seeing her right after delivery was probably not going to happen but I believe so much of my coping with our delivery was truly based on hearing her cry. That was a pretty terrifying experience but I’ll tell you it was THAT much more amazing when I heard her hoarse little cry when she was extubated at a week old.
3. What kind of support do you feel you received (from friends, family, healthcare team) after your c-section(s)?:
The support I have received from my family, friends, and healthcare team through my c-section recovery has been incredibly overwhelming. With Rae, almost a month old (as of July 14th), and still in the NICU our community has really emphasized my health and recovery. I had a pretty seamless c-section recovery although the past few weeks I have been hit with recurring mastitis. I feel so grateful to everyone who has been instrumental in my healing process.
4. What’s your #1 piece of advice/encouragement for a new c-section mom?:
Own it. Embrace the hell out of your beautiful birth story, whatever it may have looked like. No two stories are the same and each c-section birth holds a wealth of beauty beyond all the trauma that we so willingly hold on to. When things seem dark, remember to always look to the light.
5. How do you believe having a c-section birth(s) made you stronger?:
My c-section birth has made me feel stronger and more beautiful in more ways than I had ever previously dreamed of. I was so nervous that I would absolutely detest my post-birth body and I am here to say I was so wrong. I love that my body is a visual representation of the hard work it has put forth to bring our beautiful daughter into this world. I absolutely love my c-section scar and my newfound tiger stripes. I find such strength in the battle wounds I endured to safely deliver her into this wonderful world.
Name: Katie Rommelfanger
Your Profession: Registered Nurse
How to Connect With You on Social Media: @KatieRommelWhat on Instagram