C-Section Birth Stories: Anna Drexler-Dreis
1. Please share the circumstances that led to your c-section birth(s):
At 20 weeks, I was diagnosed with complete placenta previa. An unmedicated, vaginal birth at a birth center was so important to me, so I tried everything to move that placenta - a special diet, acupuncture, constant meditation. While all the work did not move the placenta, it did provide great outcomes for our preemie boy. At 32 weeks, I had my first bleed. At 35 weeks, I had my second bleed and stayed in the hospital until 36 weeks when I had my third bleed. The c-section happened three hours after my third bleed as soon as my husband made it to the hospital.
2. What surprised you the most about having a c-section?:
How much the doctors and nurses tried to make it feel like a calm and natural process for me. They did delayed cord clamping, skin-to-skin, let me keep my placenta, described the birth, and even lowered the drape so I could see my baby being born. However, even with all that, what surprised me was how much I felt like I never truly “gave birth.” The whole thing was over so quickly and I had my baby boy in my arms but I never felt like I participated much in his birth.
3. What kind of support do you feel you received (from friends, family, healthcare team) after your c-section(s)?:
The nurses and doctors were incredible. When I was put on the operating table I must have had a look of fright, so the doctor in charge told everyone to “step back.” She got me upright and put her forehead on my forehead and told me to breathe with her. After a while, she asked if I was ready to meet my baby. I was. My husband was incredible and kept telling me how amazing I was throughout the entire process and after. The nurses in the hospital were also amazing and so attentive to my baby’s and my every need.
4. What’s your #1 piece of advice/encouragement for a new c-section mom?:
It’s not true that once that healthy baby is in your arms that you forget about everything else, especially if a c-section is not what you wanted. But it is true that the birth story doesn’t matter as much as you think it will. While I am still sad I didn’t get the birth experience I wanted, I feel like what I did was so full of strength. I am empowered by my birth story and not let down by it.
5. How do you believe having a c-section birth(s) made you stronger?:
Having to completely adapt from my image of a tub and an unmedicated birth in the birth center to a high-risk c-section means I can do anything. Coming out of major surgery and going straight into motherhood has given me the confidence that I literally can and will do anything.
Name: Anna Drexler-Dreis
Your Profession: Environmental Consultant